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100% Rabbit Foot (for good luck)

Made from 100% naturally raised rabbits which have been inspected by USDA for human consumption.


  • Rabbit meat is low in fat and cholesterol which makes it highly suitable for overweight dogs or more senior dogs. The healthy fats in rabbit meat will keep your dog’s joints lubricated and coat shiny.


  • Rich in essential minerals, manganese and fiber


  • Manganese is required in every dog’s diet for healthy bones and joints. Dogs on long-term deficient diets have been known to suffer from ligament pain and arthritis in more severe cases.


  • Rabbit is higher in protein than chicken, turkey, veal, beef, duck, lamb, and pork which means it’s packed with lots of lean and mean fuel for your dog’s muscles, essential amino acids necessary for tissue repair and help boost the immune system.


  • Rabbit meat is also used as a hypoallergenic choice of protein for dogs with multiple food sensitivities, allergies and skin issues


  • Rabbit meat is a ‘cooling’ meat which means it is anti-inflammatory and reduces skin redness and itching.


  • Fur is not removed, nor are the the ears chemically treated before/after dehydration


  • Whilst the chew entertains and provides a range of nutrients the fur helps as a natural de-wormer and could form part of a natural de-worming regime


Our rabbit parts are sourced from U.S.A and have been inspected by USDA for safe consumption.

Our rabbits are farm-raised on a natural diet (no growth promotants) and grow to about 1kg in size

Bunny Boots

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